Security Camera Acceptable Use Policy

Policy Number: #200

Responsible Executive(s):

  • Provost

Responsible Office(s):

  • Campus Safety

Date Adopted: 06-24-2024

A. Purpose:

Regis University is committed to fostering the safest campus environment possible by integrating the use of technology into its safety and security program. A key component is the deployment of electronic security cameras and their recordings.

This policy regulates the procurement, placement, installation, and use of security cameras to record areas of Regis University property, including the handling, viewing, retention, dissemination, and destruction of video surveillance records. The University uses security cameras to enhance and support campus safety and physical facility security. Video capture provides information that may be used as evidence in the event that an individual is the subject of harm or crime or in the case of lost, stolen, or damaged property, and for the purpose of investigations into criminal activity. Information obtained from security cameras is defined as institutional data and considered the property of Regis University.

B. Scope

This policy applies to the use of security cameras on property owned or controlled by lease or a formal written agreement used by Regis University to include the Thornton campus and to all members of the University community, including administrators, faculty, staff, students, visitors, vendors and contractors. This policy does not apply to the use of cameras for reasons unrelated to security surveillance activity.

C. The Policy

  1. The use and monitoring of cameras must conform to all applicable federal and state laws and Regis University policies. Monitoring individuals based on characteristics of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected classification is prohibited. Cameras shall not be used in areas where there are reasonable expectations of personal privacy. Examples of such areas include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. The interior of residence hall rooms
    2. Restrooms
    3. Locker rooms, shower areas, or other areas where persons change clothes
    4. Private Offices
    5. Any office or area used to provide mental or physical health care.
  2. Standards, Roles and Responsibilities
    1. The decision to deploy security cameras and their specific placement falls under the authority of the Regis Security Systems Manager as delegated and approved by the University president and the director of Campus Safety (if not serving in the Security Systems Manager role). Regular (annually, or as needed) security surveys and risk analyses are conducted to develop and revise the strategic plan for camera installation and placement.
    2. While live monitoring is not the intended use of the security camera system, this policy does not prohibit, nor does it imply or promise, real-time viewing. Security cameras and their recorded images will not be used in performance evaluations.
    3. The director of Campus Safety, in consultation with the Chief Legal Officer, may approve a written request by vice presidents and associate vice presidents and Student Conduct a review video, provided that the director determines that the request is for a purpose authorized by this policy. The director will conduct the review and provide findings to the requesting party. Requests by law enforcement agencies will be approved as pertaining to ongoing investigations where Regis is not a named party or if subpoenaed. Workers Comp insurance-related requests by external parties will not be considered, but Regis will use footage to defend ourselves from claims.
    4. Video footage will be stored in accordance with appropriate ITS cyber security standards and made available for review for no more than 30 days. This retention period may be extended at the direction of the director of Campus Safety or Chief Legal Officer or as required by law. Any video used in a case related to an incident report that becomes a formal record of the event, will be kept for 7 years as per Clery Act standards.
    5. If concerns arise regarding camera placement or use, the Security Systems Manager will review any complaints in consultation with the Chief Legal Officer. Absent violations of law or institutional policy, the director of Campus Safety will decide the merits of any complaint while weighing the potential benefits in community safety against the impact of the concern raised.
    6. Video review will be conducted by Campus Safety Officers only. Other people available to review the video will be approved by the Chief Legal Officer, VPs, AVPs, and Student Conduct.
  3. Authority for camera oversight
    1. No unit or department shall purchase, install, attempt to install, or contract a vendor to install security cameras or recording equipment independent of this policy.
    2. Campus Safety Director or designee, in conjunction with Physical Plant (AVP or designee), ITS security manager, and the Chief Legal Officer, will review requests for the installation of security cameras.
    3. Campus Safety is responsible for the scheduling installation and functionality of security cameras in conjunction with Physical Plant, ITS, and contracted vendors.
    4. Tampering with, disconnecting, or altering any part of the security camera system is a violation of the Security Camera Acceptable Use policy. Cases involving University employees and contractors/vendors will be referred to Human Resources, and those involving students will be referred to Community Standards and Care.
    5. All personnel with access to University security cameras (a) will be instructed in the technical, legal and ethical parameters of appropriate camera use; and (b) will receive a copy of this policy and provide a written acknowledgment that they have read and understood its contents. Access should only be for real-time viewing and manipulating the camera view. Video recall and review is to be conducted by Campus Safety.
    6. Violations of this policy: Tampering with, disconnecting, or altering any part of the security camera system is a violation of the Security Camera Acceptable Use policy. Cases involving University employees, contractors and vendors, will be referred to Human Resources, and those involving students will be referred to Community Standards and Care.

D. Definitions

  1. Security Camera: a device used to record public areas for the purposes of enhancing public safety, discouraging criminal activities, and investigating safety and crime-related incidents.
  2. Security Camera Monitoring: the viewing of security camera images in real-time by authorized Regis University personnel.
  3. Security Systems Manager: the Regis University employees most directly responsible for maintaining Regis University’s security camera system in compliance with university policies.

E. Related Policies, Procedures, Forms, and Other Resources

F. End Notes

Regis reserves the right to update this policy with or without notice. The policy is updated as of the date of the passage of revisions per our policy approval process.