Contact Financial Aid
Whether you are attending college for the first time, coming back after taking some time away, graduating soon or have already graduated, we want to be a resource for your overall financial well-being.

Contact Us
Financial Aid Counselors:
Counselors are available for walk-in appointments from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday in Clarke Hall 143. We encourage appointments (when possible) so you can meet with your specific financial aid counselor.
Mailing Address:
Regis University
Office of Financial Aid
3333 Regis Boulevard A-10
Denver, CO 80221-1099
303.458.4126 | 800.568.8932
Location, Contact Info and Hours
Financial Aid
Location: Clarke Hall 143
Walk-In Hours:
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Appointments are encouraged