Pursue truth, strive for justice and cultivate beauty

At Regis University, those are the principles our faculty members live by as they endeavor to grow bodies of knowledge and discourse in their respective fields of study. Working alongside their students, the Regis faculty employs the resources and passions of the university community to change the world around us.

Explore biographical information and curricula vitae from our expert faculty. You can search by name or department.

Featured Faculty Stories

aerial image of Regis University
Prof. John Sakulich smiles while holding a tree stump in his right hand
an aerial image above Main Hall of Regis
photograph of light coming down through the ocean
Regis professor helps students find their calling

For Regis students and community members of all ages, professor Geoffrey Bateman, Ph.D. implores students to ask themselves one question: “What do I want to be when I grow up?”

Read About Bateman
Professor listens to trees, to benefit humans

Trees tell a story from the past. Regis associate professor, John Sakulich, not only hears what tree rings have to say but he also interprets their messages.

Read About Sakulich
Q and A with M.D. Kinoti about his book, Making Peace with Fire

Professor M.D. Kinoti, Ph.D., recently released Making Peace with Fire: Harnessing Conflict to Transform your Relationships, which explores ways to navigate conflict peacefully.

Read About Kinoti
Regis University professor discovers deep-sea eels' strange evolutionary strategy

Despite humanity’s never-ending search for knowledge, only 5 percent of the world’s oceans have been explored. The deepest parts of the ocean are home to some of the most unique and highly specialized organisms on the planet.

Read About Ghedotti

Faculty Research, Scholarship and Publications

  • Vartabedian, B. (2025). The pleasures of the problem: Path, decision, and annulment in Parmenides and Badiou. In A. Greenstone, R. Johnson, & D. Mesing (Eds.), Contemporary encounters with ancient practice (pp. 52–77).
  • Wright, T. (2024). Digital open access and open educational resources for the music history classroom. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 77(3).
  • Oliver, I. (2024). The audiences of Herodotus: Oral performance and the major battle narratives.
  • Betty, P. & Drysdale, C. (2024). Using the instruction follow-up survey to advance library integration in the first-year experience program. In Parsons-Diamond (Ed.), Assessment and advocacy: Using Project Outcome for academic libraries (pp. 101–111).
  • Sci, S. (2024). Mediating the death of a parent: Zoom and the deathbed vigil. In You’re muted: Performance, precarity, and the logic of Zoom (pp. 47–65).
  • Sriken, J. , Erford, B. T., Sherman, M. F., Watson, K., & Smith, H. L. (2023). Measurement invariance and structure validity of scores on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression - Revised (CESD-R) Scale with a large university sample. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 57(1), 57–71.

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