University Ministry
University Ministry strives to create a welcoming environment where all Regis University students can feel at home, cultivating intellectual curiousity, gratitude and servant leadership.
Regis University’s mission is to educate you, as men and women of all ages and faiths, to take leadership roles and to make a positive impact in a changing society. We do this through our Jesuit foundation, giving you an excellent, value-centered and experiential education that honors the whole person — your mind, body and spirit.
We challenge you to be curious, to ask questions and to solve problems, including the world’s most pressing issues. At Regis, we hope that you come with questions — and leave with deeper questions.
You will come away with the ability to identify, analyze and reflect on the world’s problems, but more importantly, to take action. St. Ignatius inspires us to “Go forth and set the world on fire.” What’s more, you will have the ethical foundation from which to guide your decision-making.
The most effective leaders are able to continually learn from experience, absorb and apply new concepts and perspectives, as well as adapt to change. Through Jesuit education, you will develop the ability to learn across your lifetime — a critical component of success.
Our inclusive community values the differences within each one of us. We equip you with the skills to understand issues beyond your own communities and strengthen your ability to work collaboratively to resolve those problems.
Social justice education and issues are integrated into our curriculum, offering you a unique perspective from which to see the world — particularly what life is like at the margins of society — and added motivation to work for the common good.
Jesuit education is known for its personalized attention and concern for the whole person — mind, body and spirit. We not only develop you as a student competent in your area of study, but ensure you are strong in character and conviction as well.
Our Jesuit tradition and heritage are not merely concepts we teach our students. They are principles we exercise in a multitude of initiatives. At our core, we are men and women in service of others seeking to find God in all things. Here's how we strive to go forth to set the world on fire.
University Ministry strives to create a welcoming environment where all Regis University students can feel at home, cultivating intellectual curiousity, gratitude and servant leadership.
As a Jesuit university, we dedicate ourselves to academic excellence under the inspiration of the Catholic faith while welcoming students, faculty and staff from all faith traditions and beliefs.
Regis University is blessed with two Jesuit Residences, one on campus and one just north of campus, the Jesuit house and Xavier Jesuit Center.