Ranger Ready Program Policies

Ranger Ready Course Material Policy
Reason for Policy

This policy provides procedures and guidelines for the Ranger Ready Course Material program for Regis University. These procedures follow a fair and equitable process that aligns with the mission and values of the University as it relates to student success for included course materials. Day One is committed to service for the Regis University community of undergraduate students, select graduate students, faculty, and staff to provide the required materials needed in the classroom.

Below is the Ranger Ready policy in effect and approved by Regis University. It is an individual's responsibility to understand and comply with all policies published. Failure to abide by these policies is not a valid excuse for violation of any Ranger Ready regulations.

These policies are subject to change. The Exhibits herein contain information that may vary from year to year and are subject to change without the policy itself necessarily being modified.

  1. All physical Ranger Ready Course Materials from all courses (regardless of drop/section change/add/continuing class) are due back by Friday of Finals week for the registered term. Any physical course material not returned to the Ranger Station Bookstore by the deadline are subject to a non-return course material fine. This fine is based on the book and varies. (Please see the Ranger Station Bookstore for specific penalties per book.)
  2. Classes dropped or class section change, all physical material must be returned within seven days from the start of the Term within the specific Semester. For late drops all materials must be returned within seven days of the drop date. Failure to return the material within the seven-day window will result in a non-return Ranger Ready drop class fine placed on the Regis student account. This fine is per class. Those who fail to return dropped class materials are still subject to the non-return day one material fine.
  3. Appeals must be submitted online through the Ranger Ready web page. All appeals must be filed within 90 days of the fine being placed on the students' bursar account. After that time, appeals will not be accepted. Payment is not due on the penalties until the appeal decision is rendered, which may take up to 10-14 business days.
  4. The following are not valid reasons for appealing a Ranger Ready fine:
    • Lack of knowledge of the policies
    • Failure to read the policies
    • Forgetfulness
    • Leaving campus for the semester without returning
    • Failure to notice materials used for communication purposes
    • Disagreement with, or inability to pay, the fines
  5. All Ranger Ready Materials are given through digital access unless a printed textbook is the only available option. In the case of digital and print available, digital access will be the primary use for Ranger Ready.
  6. Any Day one materials are available for purchase at the end of the semester for a reduced cost. Please see the Ranger Station Bookstore for price options per material.