Ranger Ready Course Material Returns

Ranger Ready Course Material Return of Physical Copies

The deadline for returning materials without penalty is the final day of Finals Week for any Term within its Semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer).

Physical materials must be returned in person to the Ranger Station Bookstore.

If you need to ship the materials to the store, the address is:

Ranger Station Bookstore
Ranger Ready Program Returns
Regis University
5115 N. Federal Blvd, STE 17-22
Denver, CO 80221

Please email the store at bookstore@regis,edu to let us know that you have shipped this return to us.

All materials must be returned to complete a successful check-in. The email from xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com will contain the titles due, and the non-return charges for materials returned past the deadline. Students will be charged for all non-returns on their Regis student account.

After Final Exams / End of Semester Return

All books must be returned or post marked to the Ranger Station Bookstore by the last day of Finals for your registered term within its semester.

  • If you wish to keep a book, or if a book is lost or damaged, you may convert a Ranger Ready rental to a purchase at the Ranger Station Bookstore at any time throughout the semester by paying an additional fee.
  • Non-return materials will be cause for charges and holds are applied to your Student Account from Regis.
Dropped and Canceled Classes

If you drop a class (including section changes), or if any of your classes are canceled, please make sure to return materials to the Ranger Station Bookstore immediately. Do not hold onto physical course materials until the end of the term if you drop courses or your course is canceled.

The final deadline to return physical product for dropped and canceled classes to avoid non-return charges is the second Friday of the semester by 5pm.

For late drops, you have seven days from the drop date to return all materials.

    • If you need to ship the materials to the store, the address is:

Ranger Station Bookstore
Ranger Ready Program Returns
Regis University
5115 N. Federal Blvd, STE 17-22
Denver, CO 80221

Please email the store at bookstore@regis.edu to let us know that you have shipped this return to us.

For questions regarding the Ranger Ready process, please visit our policy and procedure page here (add link) or contact the Ranger Station Bookstore at 303-458-4150 or email bookstore@regis.edu