Office of Financial Aid
Location: Clarke Hall 143
Walk-In Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Appointments encouraged
Scholarships and grants are awards based on academic performance, program of study, leadership potential, other talents and/or financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Scholarships and grants do not have to be repaid. Scholarship and grant awards are limited and subject to change, but we encourage you to explore all opportunites.
This is a scholarship for students starting their undergraduate CHOICE nursing degree but who need pre-requisite course(s) before starting their program.
This is an endowed scholarship available to undergraduate students who are in their final semester and completing student teaching. To apply, students must fill out an application in Taskstream during their student teaching semester in their Student Teaching Application portfolio. An essay is required addressing the following question: How would completion of your Teaching License enable you to make a difference in the community?
To be eligible, students must student teach in a high-need school and demonstrate financial need. Please reach out to the Division of Education for more information.
Students may find scholarships through outside databases including, but not limited to:
Your total financial aid eligibility is limited by your cost of attendance and your financial need. If you receive additional aid, such as a grant, scholarship or tuition benefit from outside Regis University, we may have to adjust your award package.
Adult undergraduate students in nursing programs may be available for the general external scholarships named above, but there are many other scholarship opportunities just for student nurses:
The Federal Pell Grant is a federally-funded program for students with extreme financial need, as determined by their FAFSA, who are working on their first undergraduate degree. Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculated by the FAFSA, estimated costs, and enrollment status, determine the amount of the Federal Pell Grant. Effective 2024-25, the EFC will be replaced by the Student Aid Index (SAI). The Federal Pell Grant will be disbursed only if you have not already received the lifetime maximum amount, which is the equivalent of 12 full-time enrollment semester awards.
This federal grant is separate from the Federal Pell Grant. We review students with the highest financial need who are enrolled full-time in their first undergraduate degree, as funding allows.
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides up to $4,000 per year ($16,000 total for undergraduate students and $8,000 total for graduate students) in grants for students who, annually: 1) are eligible for federal student aid programs, 2) complete the FAFSA, 3) complete the TEACH Grant Form, 4) complete TEACH Grant counseling, and 5) complete the TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve or Repay. TEACH Grant Counseling and the TEACH Agreement to Serve or Repay are located at studentaid.gov. As part of the TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve, students agree to:
If a student does not meet the requirements of their service obligation, all TEACH Grants they received will be converted to Direct Unsubsidized Loans. Students must repay these loans in full, with interest charged from the date of each TEACH Grant disbursement.
As required by the Budget Control Act of 2011 (the sequester law), any TEACH Grant disbursement requires a sequestration reduction. For example, a 5.70% sequestration reduction on a $4,000 TEACH Grant means that a student will actually receive $3,772.
The Colorado Student Grant is given to the school by the Colorado General Assembly and awarded to undergraduate students who have not yet received a bachelor’s degree, who are Colorado residents for tuition purposes, and who document high financial need. Priority is given to students who are enrolled full-time. Students must file the FAFSA and document residency by submitting a completed Colorado Residency Form.
The College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend is paid by the state of Colorado on behalf of eligible first-time undergraduate resident students. The state of Colorado sets the per-credit-hour award amount each year for both public and private schools in Colorado. Students must apply for the stipend through College Assist and, because Regis University is a private institution, must be eligible for a Federal Pell Grant, be a documented Colorado resident (by submitting a completed Colorado Residency Form) and have graduated from a Colorado high school.
The number of stipend credit hours is capped at 145 credit hours, with an additional 30 hours of undergraduate credits available. Certain courses are not eligible for the COF stipend, such as high school fast-track courses, basic skills courses and graduate courses, unless taken for an undergraduate degree.
Location: Clarke Hall 143
Walk-In Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Appointments encouraged