Community College Bridge to Bachelor's Program
The Bridge to Bachelor’s Program is a partnership between Regis University and the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) to provide engagement, advising and ongoing contact while you complete your associate degree. If you choose to participate, you will be admitted to a Regis University bachelor’s degree program. You may apply while you are still working to complete your associate degree and receive provisional admission to Regis, allowing you to work with a Regis academic advisor early in your journey.
Before starting classes at Regis, you must meet the admission requirements, complete any prerequisites for your intended program and complete your associate degree (AA, AS, AGS, or AAS). The BS in Nursing programs are exempt from the Bridge to Bachelor’s Program. Your advisor will help you stay on track to earn your bachelor’s degree from Regis University.
We're Here to Help!
CCCS Graduates Receive up to 30% off Regis Tuition
Regis University is proud to partner with the CCCS to offer tuition discounts of up to 30% to students who have completed their associate degree at one of the 13 CCCS member institutions. Eligible students must be newly enrolled in select programs starting in Fall 2022 and beyond. Transfer up to 90 credits and enjoy dedicated, single-point academic advising to answer your questions and guide you to graduation.
Eligible Programs:
| B.S. Applied Psychology
| Bachelor of Applied Science
| B.S. Business Administration (accelerated only)
| B.A. Communication (accelerated only)
| B.S. Computer Information Systems
| B.S. Criminology
| B.S. Cybersecurity
| B.S. Information Technology
| B.A. Liberal Arts
| B.A. Social Science

You did the work, you deserve the credit!
If you are a Colorado Community College transfer student who did not complete your associate degree, you can earn your associate degree while still working toward your bachelor’s degree. Colorado’s Reverse Transfer Program allows students who have transferred from a Colorado community college to Regis University to combine credits from both institutions and apply them towards an associate degree.
- You have completed 15 credit hours at a community college in Colorado;
- You have a minimum of 70 credit hours, including course work at one of the participating Colorado four-year institutions;
- You transferred to that four-year institution during or after the Summer of 2012;
- Your completed credit hours meet the requirements for an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of General Studies, to be determined via a degree audit;
- You have not requested that your data be withheld;
- You have not already received an associate or bachelor’s degree.
If you are currently not enrolled at Regis University but have been within the last two years—and you meet the above eligibility requirements—you may still be eligible. Contact the community college you attended to learn more.
If you are eligible for Reverse Transfer and currently enrolled at Regis, you will receive an annual email from the Office of the Registrar at Regis. If you want to participate, you can opt in using the consent method included in that email. If you attended any other schools, send your official transcripts to your community college so the credits you earned can be evaluated to be applied to your associate degree. Once your credits have been reviewed, you will be notified if you are ready to receive your associate degree or if you need to earn additional credits.
Why should I opt for Reverse Transfer?
This program is a win-win for you! There is no negative impact on your current academic standing, progress toward your bachelor’s or financial aid. It is simply a way for you to get the credential you've already earned!
Need More Information?
Learn more on the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) Reverse Transfer page. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions.