Military and Veteran Resources Center
Regis University
Coors Center 124
Northwest Denver Campus
3333 Regis Boulevard
Denver, CO 80221-1099
Contact: 303.964.5354 | milvetservices@regis.edu
At Regis University, our goal is to help make transferring military and previous college credits to your Regis degree as easy as possible. Request your military transcripts from the appropriate military branch below, along with a copy of your discharge papers (DD-214).
Have your military transcripts, DD214, and any official college or university transcripts sent to the following address:
Regis University
Office of Admissions
Mail Code: A-12
3333 Regis Boulevard
Denver, CO 80221-1099
Electronic transcripts can be emailed to: sendtranscripttoRU@regis.edu
Military Experience
For undergraduate programs, 4-6 credits can be awarded for a minimum of two years of service in any branch of the U.S. military. All credits on the Joint Services Transcript (JST) will be evaluated for credit. Up to 24 undergraduate credit hours of Technical Occupational Speciality (TOS) credit may be awarded for specific military experience. All credits evaluated must meet the requirements of the degree program and satisfy specific course requirements in order to be transferred.
Previous College Credit
Undergraduate degree programs – A maximum of 87 semester hours may transfer to Regis University, depending on the program. A transfer is accepted only for courses in which a grade of “C-” or better is earned.
Graduate degree programs – A maximum of 6 semester hours may transfer to Regis University. Transfer credit is accepted only for courses in which a grade of “B-“or better is earned. Transfer credit is approved by the dean or designee of each graduate program and only credit completed within the last ten years is eligible for consideration.
For select programs at Regis University, students can explore options for receiving credit through Prior Learning Assessments and Testing. In addition, Regis University accepts American Council on Education (ACE) credits for select programs. View more information about prior learning credit at Regis.
Through the AU-ABC, students graduating from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) with an Associate in Applied Science degree can continue their education at Regis and earn a Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) with an additional 60 credit hours of coursework. Visit the AU-ABC website for more information.
Regis University
Coors Center 124
Northwest Denver Campus
3333 Regis Boulevard
Denver, CO 80221-1099
Contact: 303.964.5354 | milvetservices@regis.edu