Dayton Memorial Library
The Regis University library provides a full range of online and on-campus library services and resources to students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members.

About Dayton Memorial Library
Dayton Memorial Library provides access to books, articles and other research databases, both within the library and through connections to other public and research libraries worldwide. The library also provides numerous group and individual study areas. Watch the video below to learn about the services offered by Dayton Memorial Library.
Library Resources
The Regis University Library is dedicated to providing a full range of library services and resources to Regis students and faculty, without regard to their geographic location. Library collections include:
- Over 393,000 print books, serial backfiles, government documents, bound periodicals and newspapers
- Over 118,000 ebooks
- Over 13,000 media materials
- Access to online resources selected to support all Regis programs.
- Full-text articles and reference information available through licensed databases.
- Interlibrary Loan services available, usually at no extra charge; we can get articles and books for you whether Regis owns them or not.
- Article and book delivery services for Regis distance students.*
- Personal reference and research assistance provided over 70 hours a week from reference desk at Dayton Memorial Library. Assistance by phone (including toll-free access) as well as by e-mail, by chat (available 24/7) and in person.
- Borrowing privileges and in-house access to library resources for alumni and community patrons at Dayton Memorial Library
*Students taking classes at a Regis campus location other than the Northwest Denver campus, or anyone taking an online class or guided independent study who lives more than 10 miles from the Northwest Denver campus.
Government Document Depository
Regis University has been a selective depository for federal government documents since 1915. Housed in the library, these U.S. government publications are excellent sources for statistical information and authoritative studies.
The depository covers a wide range of topics, including federal departments and agencies, museums, published reports from federal offices, texts of hearings or proceedings, statistics, periodicals, handbooks and bibliographies. Selection is made on the basis of support of the curriculum and research needs and with some regard for the needs of special borrowers whom the library serve as one of the depositories of Colorado's 1st Congressional District.
Regis University selects approximately 29 percent of all published government documents, with emphasis on materials published by the departments of Commerce, Education, Health and Human Services and Labor. Regis University also selectively collects Colorado state government documents.
Most of the physical government documents can be found on the first floor of the library. A growing number of documents are only available electronically. Bibliographic and citation information can be found through Lumen, the library catalog. Choose "Government Documents" in the drop-down menu to the right of the search box.
Hours and Contact Information
Dayton Memorial Library
Circulation Desk:
303.458.4030 |
Research Help Desk:
303.458.4031 |
Interlibrary Loan Desk:
303.458.4263 |