Discover the world through the written word.

Are you inspired by the works of English-language authors? Explore the fundamentals of fiction, nonfiction, plays and poetry, by analyzing these works for their form and function. Discover how written works are not only the creations of individual writers or products of specific historical times and places, but also agents of cultural change. This degree will help you expand your knowledge of literature and the English language and give you the expertise to put your written and verbal skills to use in any setting.

Not sure if this is the program for you? Compare the MA with Literature specialization and the Mile-High MFA in Creative Writing

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Program Snapshot

Book and computer icon

Program Format
7- and 8-week terms

Clock icon

Time Commitment
12-24 months

Calendar with small clock icon

Key Dates
Starts are offered in January, March, May, June, August and October

View Full Degree Curriculum and Requirements

Join Regis Alumni Working As:

Secondary/Postsecondary English Teacher

Educate students in English language and literature, fostering critical thinking, communication skills and a love for literature.


Refine and polish written content for clarity, style and accuracy, ensuring that it meets publishing standards and resonates with the intended audience.

Literary Agent

Represent authors, negotiate book deals with publishers and advocate for clients' interests to ensure successful publication and career advancement.

By the Numbers

Average student-to-faculty ratio at Regis
Regis master’s graduates who report working in their degree field*
Median annual wage for postsecondary teachers**

*Regis First Destination Survey, 2023
**U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022

Erica Ferg portrat

“Employers want graduates who have liberal arts skills, [including] problem solving, emotional intelligence and effective teamwork, communication skills and ethical values. At Regis, we offer classes that intentionally and effectively build exactly these skills.”

Name: Erica Ferg, Ph.D.
Title: Associate Professor

Imagine Yourself In ...

Multiple students sit at their desk with books open and technology on their desks. Book icon covers middle of the photo

MALW 614: Writing as Social Action

Writing can shape perspectives, challenge norms and foster connections among individuals and communities. Develop advanced strategies for reading, writing and teaching literature and creative writing as social action.

Professor writes on board with marker. Book icon covers middle of the photo

MALW 631: Global Literature

This course takes inspiration from the notion "that the world is being reconstituted as a single social space” (Timothy Brenna 879). As you investigate the world’s literature, you’ll rethink the ‘canon’ by considering the ways in which literature expands beyond the contexts in which it was written. Thinking through the implications of the local vs. the global, you’ll consider how globalized forces shape local culture.

Photo of classroom from the hallway. Two students sit together in the room. Book icon covers middle of the photo

MALW 636: Literary Criticism and Theory

This course provides you with critical approaches and vocabulary for your work with literary and cultural texts. This course will help you read literary texts more deeply, but it will also transform your understanding of popular culture, history and politics.

To apply to the Master of Arts program, you will need:

  • Online application
  • Official degree-bearing transcript(s) from an accredited college or university
  • Admissions essay
  • Resume
  • Faculty interview may be required

This program is eligible for our FastForward dual degree. To learn more about eligible programs and GPA requirements, visit

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Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year: $599 per credit hour
Total program credits: 33
A 10% tuition discount is offered for licensed educators.

Tuition is one part of the overall cost of attendance, which includes all expenses students may have, including basic living costs. For more information about tuition, fees and your estimated cost of attendance, visit our Cost of Attendance for Adult Undergraduates and Graduate Students page. Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Earning your Master of Arts with Literature specialization from Regis sets you apart and expands your professional network — think of it as an investment in your future. Between scholarship opportunities and financial aid packages, advancing your education is within reach.

Learn More About Financial Aid Options

A Culture of Excellence

Want to learn more? Here's something for you:
The Master of Arts with Literature specialization is offered by the English Department within Regis College.