Service Learning in Rueckert-Hartman College

Service learning is an integral part of learning within the Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions (RHCHP). Through community-based experiential service learning opportunities, students gain insight into social justice while developing professional skills like communication, leadership and cultural intelligence.

Service learning emphasizes critical thinking and reflection while encouraging a heightened sense of personal growth, academic enhancement, civic learning and professional development beyond clinical skills-building, and gives students the chance to practice acting with justice.

Service learning is embedded into RHCHP courses with objectives, assignments and direct service. The critical reflection and transformative experiences involved in service learning position students to fully meet the diverse needs of their patients and clients.

Project-Based Service Learning Opportunities

RHCHP students often complete projects that provide for additional needs of the populations served by partner organizations. During these projects, students work collaboratively with their site supervisors to create and complete a project with lasting legacies for the communities they serve.

Project-based service learning allows students to participate in active exploration of real-world challenges and problems. This practice creates real-world leadership experiences with diverse populations and allows students to develop cultural intelligence while leaving a lasting impact on their community.

Creation of a sensory board for Promise Ranch Therapeutic Riding program serving children with autism.

Planning and hosting baby showers for families at Ronald McDonald House who are away from their homes while their children receive medical services.

Creating and implementing health education and prevention curriculum.

Coordination of an annual Gear Distribution and Wellness Fair for the Homeless Community of Denver, in partnership with Regis University.

Assisting with planning and implementation of a Music and Memory program for memory care residents at Juniper Village Assisted Living.

9 health fair

Courses with Service Learning Components

We offer a variety of interdisciplinary course with service learning components.

View Service Learning Courses
9 health fair student

Global Health Pathway

The Global Health Pathway is a concentration available to selected students in the Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions who seek a rich, transformative experience learning about and working with diverse populations, whether locally or abroad.

Service Learning Handbook

Learn more about our mission, resources and opportunities available.

Student Resources

RHCHP Pre-Service Learning Plan

Service Learning Site Proposal

COVID-19 Safety Plan and Assumption of Risk for Experiential Learning

GivePulse Video Tutorials

Community Partners Resources

In collaboration with our community partners, RHCHP aims to advance social justice, cultural intelligence, civic engagement, leadership and health literacy.

Interested in becoming a partner with RHCHP Service Learning?

We would love to talk with you about opportunities to work with our students. Additionally, if you would like to make updates to your Scope of Work Agreement or have questions or concerns about a current student or service project, please contact the RHCHP Serve Learning Manager

Download Partner Protocol

Download Scope of Work Form

Already a service learning partner?

Thank you! If you have specific questions about course requirements, student projects, GivePulse or other components of the community partner role please reference the Service Learning Handbook.


RHCHP Service Learning uses the online platform GivePulse for the tracking and management of service learning experiences as well as student project signup, logging service hours, submitting timesheets and communicating with site supervisors and Service Learning staff.

Service Learning students use GivePulse in the following ways:

  • Learn about and register for service learning sites
  • Tracking & submitting service hours for approval
  • Access to site or supervisor contact information and required service learning and volunteer documents
  • Recording and tracking service learning hours with ability to view & print service transcripts throughout academic program

Give Pulse Instructions for Partners

Contact Us

Reach out for more information.

Cheryl Schwartz, Senior Director, RHCHP Service Learning & Global Health

Michelle Sheehy, RHCHP Service Learning Manager