Dual Degree Engineering
Embrace Your Curiosity
Expand your undergraduate academic experience and gain valuable career-oriented skills through the Dual Degree Engineering program. This unique dual degree program affords students the opportunity to combine a Jesuit Catholic liberal arts education from Regis University with an engineering degree from Washington University in St. Louis.

Communication skills, the breadth of knowledge and the ability to look at problems from many different perspectives make a powerful combination with a technical degree like engineering. Many students choose to pursue the Dual Degree Engineering track because, while they are interested in engineering, they are not ready to focus exclusively on engineering. Such students keep the path to an engineering career open while exploring all the diversity that a Jesuit liberal arts school has to offer.
It is possible to combine any Regis College major with the Dual Degree Engineering program, though some have more overlap with the engineering prerequisites than others, with mathematics being the most relevant. The Regis portion of the program typically takes four years, although it is sometimes possible to complete it in three with careful planning in consultation with the Dual Degree Engineering advisor. Students that maintain a GPA of 3.25 or better at Regis have had great success completing the program.
"Students who succeed are the ones who are always asking questions and are driven to find answers. It doesn’t even matter what the questions are about — curiosity and the motivation to do the work are what will carry a student through."
How it works:
Dual Degree Engineering students begin their undergraduate studies just like any other Regis student, completing the Regis core and working toward a major. After completing a Regis degree and the engineering prerequisite courses, Dual Degree students then attend Washington University in St. Louis for two years of focused studies in the McKelvey School of Engineering. At the end of their program, Dual Degree Engineering students will hold a Bachelor of Arts or Science degree from Regis and a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from WashU.
By combining the communication, discernment and critical thinking skills of a liberal arts degree with the in-demand technical knowledge granted by a widely admired engineering program, students will emerge from the dual degree program as highly capable thinkers, ready to begin their engineering careers or pursue further academic studies.You can learn more about the Dual Degree Engineering program, just visit the Washington University’s McKelvey School of Engineering page.