Editando Centroamerica:
Editing Central America

in both English and Spanish

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5:30-7 p.m.
March 21
St. John Francis Regis Chapel
Northwest Denver Campus

Discover how the independent editorial movement in Central America intrinsically connects to the feminist movement and women’s activism through the perspectives of women writers, activists, and editors.

Susana Reyes, poet, editor at Índole Editores and director of Ojo de Cuervo publishing house, will speak about the emergence of local and independent editorial houses in response to government attempts to limit the publication of specific authors in El Salvador.

Don’t miss this opportunity to reimagine countries like El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua from the perspective of the women who have been working to advance their communities by sharing and spreading knowledge.

Before the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to purchase books written and edited by women from Central America, including Regis Assistant Prof. Heider Tun Tun’s latest published work: Co-Madres: Testimonio por la lucha de los derechos humanos in El Salvador, 1975-1994 (Co-Madres: testimony of the fight for human rights in El Salvador 1975-1994).

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About Susana Reyes

Susan Reyes is an editor at Índole Editores and director of the Ojo de Cuervo publishing house and the Ojo de Cuervo Central American Women's Writing Consortium. Reyes is the president of the Claribel Alegría Foundation and is coordinator at RILMAC (Red de investigación de las literaturas de mujeres de América Central or Research network of women’s literature from Central America). Reyes also has served as faculty at the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas UCA, in El Salvador, where she taught literature and creative writing. She has published several books that include Los Solitarios Amamos las Ciudades (We Solitaries Love Cities), Postales Urbanas y Vitrales (Urban Postcards and Stained Glass), Historia de los Espejos y Límites (History of Mirrors and Limits). Her poems have also been published in various international anthologies and her poetry has been translated into English, French, Portuguese and Italian.

Susan Reyes portrait
Co-Madres book cover featuring a black and white graphic of a woman wearing a kercheif | Co-Madres: Testimonio por la lucha de los derechos humanos in El Salvador, 1975-1994
About Co-Madres: Testimonio por la lucha de los derechos humanos in El Salvador, 1975-1994

In this book, a group of women from “The Committee of Mothers and Relatives of Political Prisoners, Disappeared and Assassinated of El Salvador, Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero”— also known as Co-Madres or the Committee of Mothers — trace the history of the Civil War in El Salvador (1980-1992) and the eventual development of the human rights movement in the country. Co-Madres is the first human rights organization from El Salvador led by women; in 2025, this committee will commemorate its 50th anniversary of continuous fight and advocacy for the Salvadoran people.

This event is part of Women's History Month at Regis.

Sponsored by the Women's and Gender Studies program and the Office of Mission.