At Regis, undergraduate students are working alongside faculty to create documentary films, study the evolution of North American songbirds, deepen their understanding of cultural groups and identify proteins involved in immune responses. You can be a part of this rich world of discovery and creativity! Opportunities exist in laboratories, studios, archives and beyond.
We encourage all students to participate in faculty-directed research during their collegiate career, even if only for a single semester. The Undergraduate Research, Inquiry, and Scholarly Engagement (URISE) program is your connection to the exciting opportunities available at Regis. We are here to help you explore interests, find a faculty mentor, apply for grants and other funding opportunities and more.
Interested in pursuing a career in research, scholarship or creative works? The Undergraduate Research Certificate is a unique program that will help you develop the skills for career readiness and for graduate or professional school. Through faculty-guided research projects, you will have the opportunity to develop in-depth knowledge within your chosen major, engage in cross-disciplinary research, familiarize yourself with new technology and develop meaningful mentor relationships with your professors. Throughout this dynamic program, you will hone your academic skills and become an independent, self-motivated scholar within your field.
Know what you're looking for? This is for you: