photo: Double-headed turquoise serpent, Aztec culture, Mexico, 16th century

The Student Experience: Studying Art History with Virtual Reality

"This was so cool!!! For us to understand sites that are out of reach and actually look around and be there really gives us a greater sense of scale and changes our understanding of the site as a result. As a visual learner myself, I thought the experience got me more interested and definitely put things into perspective. It made everything more tangible."
–Calder Van Voorhis

"With the VR headset on, you get a sense of the three-dimensionality of a place. For Machu Picchu, an Inka site, you could see and experience how expansive and breathtaking the region was. I knew it was digital, but the mountains and views were beautiful. In this class, we’ve talked a lot about how you can’t separate art and architecture from its space and the VR helps us realize the space"
-Kate Hedges

Student Research Projects

Students studying Art History or Art and Culture at Regis engage in a variety of research projects. These include traditional research papers, but also podcasts and story maps, designed using ArcGIS StoryMaps, a digital storytelling software. Check out some of these projects below:

“Renaissance Armor, a Cultural and Social Meaning for Armor and its Art”
by Evan Kluck

View Evan's StoryMap

“The Importance and Significance of Process: Exploring the Process Behind Doris Salcedo’s Art”
by Vanessa Rodriguez

View Vanessa's StoryMap

“Art Within The Walls Of Halden Prison: Exploration of How the Presence and Creation of Art Aids Rehabilitation in Norway's Incarcerated Individuals”
by Kaylee Stouder

View Kaylee's StoryMap

“Justice and Humanity in Museum Curation”
by Eleanor Abear

Hear Eleanor's Podcast

“Following the Footprint of Asian Culture through Art and Bamboo”
by Viviane

Hear Viviane's Podcast