Academic Internship Program Office
Location: Loyola Room 12
Hours: Monday - Friday | 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Contact: 303.964.5234 | rcinterns@regis.edu
Internships are one of the best ways to explore your passions, purpose, strengths, and values—in other words, academic internships give you a chance to Do What Matters. An internship includes several key elements: real-world experience, authentic work, mentoring relationships, enhanced skillsets, and a growing professional network. Indeed, we see them as the way to find connections among what you believe in, what you want to do and who you want to be.
Some programs of study require an internship, Regis encourages all students to seek an internship before they graduate. And while one internship is good, research shows that two or three are even better!
Questions? Contact rcinterns@regis.edu
“I have learned to utilize new resources that I have never (and probably will never, if not for this opportunity) tried before in order to adapt and improve my performance to match the pace that my co-workers are going at. I've also developed an appreciation for the diversity in background and experience of everyone I've been working with.”
-Biochemistry major, National Renewable Energy Lab
“I got to work with great people in an environment that encouraged hands on learning without the fear of failure. I feel that it has made me a more confident scientist while also giving me insight into research which may now be a part of my future.”
-Neuroscience major, Neurology Department, CU Anschutz Medical Campus
“I feel like I am genuinely making a difference and helping someone who truly needs it, as well as serving the community by supporting an issue that is very pressing.”
-Peace and Justice Studies major, Reaching Everyone Preventing Suicide
Explore your vocation, develop real-world skills and earn academic credit through our academic internship opportunities.
Participating in an academic internship is a great way to develop competencies that bridge the transition from the classroom to the workforce.
It's always a good time to start thinking about how your skills, values and strengths can come together to help prepare you for your purposeful future. The first step is to meet with the Academic Internship Program to start planning.
Join Regis University students that have participated in internships like:
Regis Semester in Washington, D.C.
Semester-long internships for undergraduates in the intern capital of the world
Healthcare Interest Program at Denver Health
Year-long mentoring program for underrepresented pre-med undergraduates
Reciprocity with other Jesuit universities
Access internship and job databases in other cities
Based upon evaluations of Regis College interns, Regis University was named:
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Private, public and nonprofit organizations may recruit interns through our program. Regis University requires that all internships, whether in person or remote, have a designated Site Supervisor who plays an integral role in the student's development and success. We encourage you to contact us to discuss your organization's internship opportunity and submit a job description.
Location: Loyola Room 12
Hours: Monday - Friday | 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Contact: 303.964.5234 | rcinterns@regis.edu