University Assessment and Outcomes

Assessment at Regis University focuses on engaging in the meaningful work of student learning and programmatic assessment in order to provide evidence to our stakeholders that we deliver on the promise that we make to students in the Regis Nine, the key Jesuit values and program learning outcomes. The University Assessment Committee drives assessment activities for curricular, co-curricular and operational units throughout the University; with the intention of giving autonomy of how to assess to the units while creating uniform systems for reporting aggregate measures.


The Regis Nine

The Regis Nine are Regis University’s institution-wide learning outcomes. We are committed to these nine outcomes as an ideal in the formation and education of our students.

At Regis University, we seek to educate the whole person (cura personalis) in three important ways: teaching academic content (knowledge-based learning), developing practical skills and abilities for use in the "real world" (skill-based learning) and instilling a commitment to leadership, service, and ethical and social responsibility (value-based education).

We expect students to exhibit the Regis Nine at an appropriate level throughout their academic and extracurricular endeavors at Regis University.

Similarly, continuous quality improvement efforts in our administrative and academic support units are reflective of the extent to which employees have integrated the Regis Nine in their daily work.

  • Knowledge of a discipline or content area
  • Knowledge of diverse cultures, perspectives, and belief systems
  • Knowledge of arts, sciences, and humanities
  • Ability to think critically
  • Ability to communicate effectively
  • Ability to use contemporary technology
  • Commitment to ethical and social responsibility
  • Commitment to leadership and service to others
  • Commitment to learning as a lifelong endeavor
poster outlining the Regis Nine learning outcomes

To cultivate assessment activities throughout the University, the University Assessment Committee (UAC) has developed three plans to satisfy the unique needs of functional units within the University. RU Learning I was developed to assess the Regis Nine (ILOs) among degree-granting programs within the three Colleges. RU Learning II was developed to assess the Regis Nine and/or the key values in Jesuit education among co-curricular units. RU Learning III was developed to assess the key values in Jesuit education and/or professional standards among the operational units. View the Assessment Plan timeline.

aerial view of Northwest Denver campus
University Assessment Committee

Main Hall Room 217
Office of the Provost

