Student Accounts
Location: Clarke Hall - Suite 372
Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Appointments encouraged
Contact: stuaccts@regis.edu
303.458.4126 | 800.568.8932
If you are admitted to Regis University and apply for financial aid, you will see a cost of attendance (COA) listed on your financial aid offer. Cost of attendance (COA) is an estimate of the total cost of attending a college or university for one academic year. It doesn't only include tuition and fees, and it is not the bill you'll receive from Regis University. It takes into account all of the expenses a student may have for that year, including basic living costs. The COA on your financial aid offer (also known as a "student budget") serves two purposes:
Your actual expenses for living expenses, transportation and miscellaneous personal expenses may be different than what is included in your COA. Your tuition charges will vary should you change programs and/or based on the actual credits you take each semester.
Direct costs are charges that will appear on your University bill, like tuition and fees, and on-campus living expenses like housing and food, if applicable. All financial aid you receive (including student loans) will first pay toward your bill, so you'll end up paying less than the full amount of direct costs listed for your program once your aid is applied.
Indirect costs, on the other hand, will not appear on your bill. Instead, these are estimated costs associated with attending school, such as books, course materials, supplies and equipment, and off-campus living expenses like housing, food and transportation, and personal miscellaneous expenses. Many students choose to borrow student loans to help pay for these additional costs. Just remember that the total amount of your financial aid can't exceed the cost of attendance listed on your aid offer.
Location: Clarke Hall - Suite 372
Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Appointments encouraged
Contact: stuaccts@regis.edu
303.458.4126 | 800.568.8932