Creative Writing
Regis' Mile-High MFA is a low-residency program that lets you stay at your job and close to your family, but pushes you to make time for writing. You'll leave the program with a polished thesis manuscript, along with an action plan for putting your writing into practice in the world.
Hone your craft over intensive one-on-one semesters with experienced, published faculty. Twice a year, come to campus to experience an intimate, ten-day residency with other students, published authors and writing world professionals. Join us in the only creative writing MFA in central Colorado, where workshops, craft lessons, author readings and career guidance will push you to reach for the top.
In addition to the expert guidance you'll receive as you progress from rough draft to final manuscript, you will graduate the program fully prepared to embark on a writing career, bolstered and invigorated by the support of your writing community.
Over the course of two years, you will work closely with mentors in your primary genre. You'll start with an idea and graduate with a full manuscript of work (a book-length feature in fiction or nonfiction, or a compilation of work in poetry) and the knowledge you need to start your journey to publishing.
As a part of your first two semesters with your mentor, you'll create a reading list of eight books to critically study published work, write a thesis proposal in your third semester, and a critical preface in your fourth semester. This will help you identify trends, witness structure that works (or doesn't) and find your unique voice among the literary landscape. In your fourth semester, you'll propose a way your writing will benefit your community in our Writing in the World Action Plan assignment.
Degrees and Programs
MFA Program Features
- Creative Writing Pedagogy Specialization (12 additional credit hours)
- Dual-Genre Study Specialization (12 additional credit hours)

Our Alumni Accomplish Great Things
Our Mile-High MFA graduates accomplish great things, including publishing full-length books, but that's not all. Our alumni have developed and advanced their careers as K-12 teachers, technical writers, program and event directors, copyeditors, marketing and branding consultants, community creative writing instructors, professors in universities, independent writing consultants, grant writers, book coaches, sensitivity readers, book designers and more.
Meet the MFA Residency Faculty

Affiliate Faculty

Affiliate Faculty

Affiliate Faculty

Affiliate Faculty

Affiliate Faculty