Genres: Fiction (YA / speculative) / Graphic Narrative
Mario Acevedo is the author of the bestselling Felix Gomez detective-vampire series, most recently Steampunk Banditos: Sex Slaves of Shark Island, and the YA humor thriller, University of Doom. His debut novel, The Nymphos of Rocky Flats, was chosen by Barnes & Noble as one of the best Paranormal Fantasy Novels of the Decade. He contributed short fiction to the anthologies: Psi-Wars, It Came From the Multiplex, Nightmares Unhinged, CyberWorld, and Blood Business from Hex Publishing; Straight Outta Deadwood from Baen Books; and Hit List and You Don’t Have a Clue, from ArtePublico Press. His novel, Good Money Gone, co-authored with Richard Kilborn, won an International Latino Book Award. He edited the anthology Found for Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, which won a Colorado Book Award. Mario serves on the writing faculty of the Regis University Mile-High MFA program and Lighthouse Writers Workshops. He is the editor of the anthology Blood and Gasoline, from Hex Publishers. Mario lives and writes in Denver, Colorado. He’s interested in stories with nuanced characters grappling with high stakes, in modern noir, science-fiction, or fantasy settings.
Mentor Statement
I’m detailed focused, meaning that I’m expecting a lot from you as a graduate-level writer. What I’d like you to bring is loads of enthusiasm for your work, your genre, and this MFA program. I regard your thesis manuscript as a collaborative effort in that my challenge is to understand what you’re trying to accomplish and then help you polish the prose and narrative until they best present your story.