Next Steps for Adult Undergraduates

Congratulations! You have been accepted to one of Colorado’s best schools, and one of the top universities in the West. That's a big deal. To make sure you don't lose momentum, we've created a handy checklist to keep you moving through the enrollment process. And don't forget to pat yourself on the back for all the progress you've made so far!

View next steps for Nursing: CHOICE, Accelerated or Traditional BSN Programs

Get Ready for Regis in Six Easy Steps

1: Get Us Those Transcripts!

If you still need to submit your official transcripts, do not delay! Official transcripts are needed before meeting with your academic success coach. Transcripts can be sent electronically or mailed. If your official transcripts have been received, proceed to Step 2!

How to Submit Transcripts

2: Activate RegisNet

Your RegisNet ID will serve as your username and password for all things Regis. Once you are accepted, you'll receive an email with your RegisNet username, at which point you'll be able to set up and activate your account.

3: Plan Your Payments

Going to school is a big investment. We can help make sure you're not leaving money on the table. The first step is to complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Need help? Get in touch with our financial aid team.

View Adult Undergraduate Aid

4: Get Set Up For Success

To help you prepare for your journey with us, you will be enrolled in an online New Student Orientation module within our online learning management system (LMS), WorldClass. The module introduces the LMS, student support resources, and important how-to’s for registration, accessing your student account and financial aid.

5: Register for Classes

Do not delay, as classes can fill up quickly. We recommend getting this done as soon as you are eligible to register. Your admissions counselor will help you register for your first term based on what fits best with your schedule and degree plan, and will walk you through how to register for future terms.

6: Grab Your Books

Once you have registered for classes and your financial aid is confirmed, log in to the Ranger Portal to see your course schedule. From there, you can use the Buy Books link to purchase or rent paperback and digital texts.

Get to Know WorldClass

WorldClass is the online learning management system (LMS) at Regis. Students in both online and on-campus courses should be familiar with WorldClass and its features. Once your RegisNET account is set up, you will be enrolled in a New Student Orientation module within WorldClass to show you the ropes.

Submit Assignments
Assignments are submitted electronically through the WorldClass assignments area.

Take Quizzes
Some courses use the quiz module to administer quizzes and tests.

Collaborate with Peers
Participate in group discussion forums and email your classmates directly.

Track Course Content
View your course syllabus, readings and required course materials.

Keep the momentum going!

To make things easy, we've compiled a list of steps you'll need to take now that you're officially accepted to Regis! Our enrollment checklists make sure you've crossed your t's and dotted your i's so you're ready to become a Regis Ranger.

Helpful Resources

Learn about the Cornerstone Program, our success model for students transferring 0-45 credits to Regis.

Now that you're at Regis, show your Ranger pride! Stock up on gear and goodies at through the bookstore.

Taking on-campus classes? Learn about our resources for commuting students.

As a student, you can choose to take classes either online or on-campus during the evenings. See what makes us different.