Accelerate Your Career with the Project Leadership and Management MBA

The degree you need to stand out as a PM.


Does this sound familiar? You’re planning a vacation with your family and, as always, booking the hotel, buying flights and renting the car all falls to you — but really, you don’t mind at all. Perhaps that’s what drew you to project management in the first place. Here’s another likely scenario: A big project comes up at work and, without fail, your colleagues turn to you for guidance and wisdom, which you’re more than happy to share.

No matter what the situation calls for, people like you are natural born leaders, organizers and problem solvers. Using creativity and whatever resources are available, you find solutions to difficult problems, while inspiring others around you to follow a shared vision and achieve common goals. If this sounds like you, the Project Leadership and Management MBA at Regis University can help you refine your organizational acumen and advance your career, no matter what field you’re in.

A graduate degree in business with a focus on project management will sharpen your existing skills and help you apply them in the real world. Whether mapping out strategies, building timelines, identifying methodologies or keeping to tight deadlines, you’ll gain a set of practical skills that are in high demand across diverse sectors.


As you build your project management expertise, you’ll stand out in your current organization and gain the attention of employers who seek to optimize their processes and streamline production. In the coming years, there will be no shortage of project management jobs — in fact, the Project Management Institute estimates employers will need 87.7 million individuals working in project management-oriented roles by 2027.*

The PLM-MBA at Regis provides a framework for project management business functions, values, decision making, critical thinking and leadership skills that are needed for successful project managers in an increasingly complex and global environment. Whether you have a formal “project manager” title or not, this degree will help any manager be more effective.

We’ve been pioneers in the world of project management for a long time. The Regis PLM-MBA aligns with the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Talent Triangle. Combining business acumen, power skills and ways of working, PMI requires project managers to “cultivate effective decision-making and understand how projects align with the big picture of broader organizational strategy and global trends.”

Our PLM-MBA students and faculty are directly connected to the community. Professor Don Gier hosts the monthly roundtable professional development sessions of the regional PMI chapter (PMI Mile-Hi), and students can attend as part of their enrollment in the program. Regis also serves as the sponsor of the annual Women in Project Leadership and Management conference each fall and the annual PMI Mile-Hi Symposium each spring.

Additionally, our students complete a ‘live project’ where students work with a local business to help those businesses move forward. This provides a capstone experience for the PLM-MBA students, where they practice applying this work and graduating with work-ready and hirable skills.

If you’re ready to develop your natural leadership and organizational skills for professional use, then it’s time to get started. Apply today using our no-fee application and discover a world of professional opportunities for project managers.

*PMI, Project management job growth and skill gap, 2017-2027,

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