Our Catholic Identity
The Society of Jesus, or “Jesuits,” is a religious order within the Roman Catholic Church. As a Jesuit university, we dedicate ourselves to academic excellence under the inspiration of the Catholic faith and intellectual tradition. Our faculty, staff and students recognize and affirm the importance of academic freedom in the pursuit of truth; and consistent with our Christian vision of the dignity of each human person, we welcome and respect students, faculty and staff from all faith traditions and beliefs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be Catholic to attend Regis University?
No! Regis University’s student body is a diverse group from all faith and belief backgrounds. We are an inclusive community and University Ministry offers a variety of events and programs with this in mind. The Newland Prayer Room within the St. John Francis Regis Chapel is specifically designed for students of all faiths to gather, and University Ministry hosts a variety of interfaith and non-Catholic events with all students in mind.
Does Regis offer areas of study or course work in the Catholic faith?
We offer a minor in Catholic Studies, which takes an interdisciplinary approach and offers an opportunity to deepen understanding of the Catholic Christian tradition and its relationships historically and in present day with intellectual thought, society, politics, morality, spirituality, economics, science, media, literature, the arts and other dimensions of culture.
What services/liturgies are available to Catholic students?
University Ministry offers opportunities for Catholics and non-Catholics alike to participate in and practice their faith. We welcome all members of the Regis community, as well as those from our local community, to join us for worship and spiritual enrichment. For the most up-to-date schedule information, please call University Ministry at 303.458.4153.
How Regis Is Catholic
Recognized for Excellence
Regis University has been recognized for excellence in higher education, receiving a place as one of the nation’s Catholic Colleges of Distinction.
Our Jesuit tradition and heritage are not merely concepts we teach our students. They are principles we exercise in a multitude of initiatives. At our core, we are men and women in service of others seeking to find God in all things.

University Ministry
University Ministry invites you to ‘come as you are’ to explore issues of faith, spirituality and social justice. We think you’ll be glad you did!

Reflections on the Ignatian Year
The Ignatian Year was a worldwide celebration that took place from May 20, 2021 to July 31, 2022, in celebration of 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius of Loyola being struck by a cannonball during the Battle of Pamplona. Ignatius founded what is now known as the Society of Jesus and helped to establish schools and universities around the world. The Regis University Office of Mission created a reflection book to help guide readers through the journey of St. Ignatius and how we can incorporate some of the spiritual teachings he developed in our lives.
Scholarships are available for students coming from Catholic high schools including Arrupe Jesuit High School, to which Regis has a partnership scholarship program. Other scholarships include:
- Catholic clergy and religious workers tuition discount
- Student Teaching at Catholic Schools Scholarship
- Ignatian Scholarship for Religious Leadership
- Course tuition grants for Arrupe Jesuit High School and Escuela de Guadalupe faculty
Our core course requirements for all traditional students include religious studies, philosophy, search for meaning, justice and the common good, and health care ethics, as well as a "Leading Lives That Matter” course requirement for all undergraduate adult students.
In addition, you can opt to take Catholic classes including Catholic Christianity, Flourishing and Catholic Ethics, Catholic Social Thought, Latino/a Catholicism, Jesuit Spirituality, Catholic Imagination in Literature and Film and Classics of Christian Thought. We also have a Catholic Studies minor for undergraduates.
Catholic Activities On Campus
- Daily Mass and Sunday Masses
- Special liturgies: Feast Days, Mass of the Holy Spirit, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Christmas, Holy Week, Baccalaureate Mass, Memorial Masses, Advent and Lenten Reconciliation Services
- Weekly Adoration, often with Benediction
- Weekly Reconciliation, also offered by appointment
- Advent daily email reflections for students, staff and faculty
- Ongoing opportunities for student formation as liturgical ministers and in chapel choir
- Stations of the Cross during Lent
- Faith & Justice Spring Break trip to Dolores Mission/Homeboy Industries; Urban Plunge; Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice
- Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults program
- Weekly Prayer at night for students: live Praise and Worship music, student faith-sharing, Adoration
- Promotion of vocation events for those considering religious life
- Catholic post-grad service opportunities widely publicized for students
- Annual retreat series (New students “Connections”, Kairos, Discernment and Ignatian silent retreats)
- Peer ministers in the residence halls
- Student organizations such as Romero House (Catholic Campus Ministry Association national award-winning program)
- Funding support to send students to regional and national Catholic programs such as the SEEK retreat, the March for Life and World Youth Day